December 14, 2008

The Migrator

For those of you who still want to know more about The Migrator, I have been able to salvage this diagram of her from the newspaper.

Pictures are copyrighted by: Club Penguin Cheats Guide, courtesy of

Finding Rockhopper?

"Who is Rockhopper?", is a question that some penguins may ask. For those new to Club Penguin, Rockhopper is a Pirate penguin that returns a bout every month from where he finds treasure to sell, Rockhopper Island. If you want to find him, then the first sign of him here is the arrival of his ship, The Migrator. Then you might want to check out the places that he loves to hang out at the most You can usually find him at:

1. The Pizza Parlor
2. The Dock
3. The Beach
4. The Migrator

He can also be found at places else where than the places listed above, too.
Once you have found him, you can add him to your buddy list and he will usually give you an autographed background of him.

Pictures are copyrighted by: Club Penguin Cheats Guide, courtesy of  

Christmas Party!

It's Christmas time again, and you know what that means: The Christmas Party! Here's a sneak-peak of the coffee shop during the Christmas Party.

New Catalog, New Secrets!

It's time to look into the catalogs again. This time, the Igloo Upgrades catalog has a super rare item: the Stone Igloo! How to get it? Well, first you must open the catolog to page 4. Then you will see at the top right hand corner of page, there is a crowbar. All you have to do now is to click on it. You have just unlocked the Stone Igloo

Also, in the Snow and Sports catalog, located at the Winter Sports store, you can find the Silver Surfboard! I got so excited myself when I saw it. To get it, you have to turn to page 11, where it sells the Flame and Daisy Surfboards. First click on the Flame Surfboard that the green penguin is holding. It should turn into a Daisy Surfboard. Then, click on the starfish at the bottom of the page. It should highlight yellow. Lastly, click on the shell at the bottom of the page. It should highlight yellow, too. You have now found the Silver Surfboard